By :- Dr Sunil Karkhanis, Lung Surgeon, 

ex KEM Hospital, Mumbai.


My nephew, who is also a lung specialist now, graduated with a master’s degree, and works in *Shenzhen Hospital, China.* He is being transferred to study *Wuhan pneumonia virus.* He just called me and told me to tell all of my friends

If you have a runny nose and sputum when you have a cold, you cannot be a patient of coronavirus pneumonia, because *coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough without runny nose*. This is the simplest way to identify.

Please tell your friends that if you know more about medical knowledge about this virus, you will have more *awareness of identification and prevention.*
This time, the *Wuhan virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed at a temperature of 30-35 degrees*.
Therefore, *drink more hot water.* You can tell your friends and relatives to drink more hot water to prevent it. *Go under the Sun for a long time*. It has been cold season recently, and *drinking hot water is also very comfortable. It is not a cure but is a good prevention for the body. Drinking warm water is effective for mostly all viruses*. Try not to drink ice. remember that.

Doctor’s advice about coronavirus:

1. It is *pretty large in size* (cell is about *400-500nm diameter*), so *any normal mask (not just the N95 feature) should be able to filter it out*. However, when someone who’s infected sneezes in front of you, it will take a great 3 meters (about 10 feet) before it drops to the ground and is *no longer airborne*.

2. When the virus drops *on metal surface, it will live for at least 12 hours.*
So remember if you come in contact with any metal surface, *wash your hands with soap thoroughly. Don’t depend on the sanitizers.*

3. The virus can remain active *on fabric for 6-12 hours*.
Normal *laundry detergent should kill the virus*.
For winter clothing that does not require daily washing, you can *put it out under the sun for 4 hours to kill the virus.*

About the *symptoms of the pneumonia caused by Coronavirus*:

1. It will *first infect the throat, so the throat will have the dry sore throat feeling which will last for 3 to 4 days*

2. Then the virus will blend into the nasal fluid and drips into the trachea and *enter the lungs, causing pneumonia*. This process will *take 5 to 6 days*.

3. With pneumonia, comes *high fever and difficulty in breathing*. The *nasal congestion* is not like the normal kind. You will feel like *you are drowning in water.

It’s important to seek immediate medical attention* if you feel like this.
About *prevention*:

1. The most common way of getting infected is *by touching things in public*, so *you must wash your hands frequently*. The virus can only live on your hands for *5-10 minutes*, but a lot of damage can happen in those 5-10 mins (you may rub your eyes or pick your nose unwittingly).

2. Aside from washing your hands frequently, *you can gargle with Betadine Sore Throat Gargle* to eliminate or minimize the germs *while they are still in your throat (before dripping down to your lungs).

Share with friends and family!

Folks, *take extra care and drink plenty of water.*
© Dr Sunil Karkhanis, Lung Surgeon,
ex KEM Hospital, Mumbai.

Related Source:

Doctor Urges The Public To Not Be Afraid And Pray For The Eradication Of COVID19 “Most important is prayer…”


Over 100,000 People Have Recovered From Coronavirus Around the World


More than 100,000 people have recovered from the novel coronavirus, according to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University. More cases of the COVID-19, which was first detected in China’s Wuhan city of the Hubei province, have now been confirmed outside the country than within. China has more than 81,400 cases, while nearly 260,000 cases have been reported in nearly 166 other countries.

South Korea has also seen a large number of recoveries, with nearly a third of its infected population having recovered from the virus.

Italy, despite having the largest number of confirmed cases outside China, has also seen more recoveries than deaths since the outbreak began. More than 70,000 people in China have recovered from the virus.

Nearly 59,000 people in the Hubei province alone have recovered, while thousands more have in other parts of the country,including in the Guangdong province of southeast China, the eastern provinces of Henan and Zhejiang as well as Hunan in central China.


China claims the outbreak has largely been contained, with only one new domestic case reported on Sunday, its first in four days, Reuters reports. The country has managed to slow the spread of the virus following strict containment measures imposed at the onset of the outbreak in late January, including a major lockdown in Wuhan, which is home to nearly 11 million people.

Source› Over 100,000 People Have Recovered From Coronavirus Around the World

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Source ›Rare Footage of Lava Entering the Ocean.

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Netanyahu’s Gift to the Palestinians



PM Israel *Benjamin Netanyahu* menerima sebuah bingkisan dari pemimpin Hamas selama gencatan senjata baru-baru ini. Pemimpin organisasi teroris Palestina, _Khaled Mashal,_ mengirim sebuah “hadiah” .. (sebenarnya, ini adalah isyarat kebencian dan penghinaan terhadap Perdana Menteri), dalam sebuah kotak dengan sebuah catatan.

Setelah kotak diperiksa karena alasan keamanan, PM Netanyahu membuka kotak itu dan melihat isinya adalah kotoran sapi. Lalu ia membuka sebuah catatan, ditulis tangan dalam bahasa Arab oleh Mashal, yang mengatakan, _Untuk Anda dan orang-orang yang sombong dari Zionis._

Netanyahu, yang melek huruf dalam bahasa Arab, merenungkan catatan itu dan memutuskan cara terbaik untuk melakukan tindakan balasan.

Dia dengan cepat melakukannya dengan mengirimkan paket ke pemimpin Hamas, juga berisi catatan pribadi.

Mashal dan pemimpin Hamas lainnya sangat terkejut menerima paket tersebut dan membukanya, dengan sangat hati-hati, juga mencurigai bahwa mungkin mengandung sebuah bom. Tapi mereka terkejut ketika melihat bahwa itu berisi chip komputer kecil.

*Chip ini bisa diisi ulang dengan energi matahari, memiliki memori 1,8 terabyte, dan bisa menampilkan layar hologram 3D yang mampu berfungsi dalam semua tipe ponsel, tablet atau laptop.* Itu adalah salah satu *teknologi paling maju di dunia,* dengan label kecil, yang menyatakan barang ini adalah *”Diciptakan dan diproduksi di Israel.”*

Catatan Netanyahu, tulisan tangan pribadi dalam bahasa Arab, Ibrani, Prancis, dan Inggris, menyatakan dengan sangat sopan: … *”Setiap pemimpin hanya bisa memberikan yang terbaik yang dapat dihasilkan oleh bangsanya!”*

Sumber: Philip Goldstein

Pelajaran untuk semua orang Nasrani: Jangan pernah membayar kejahatan dengan kejahatan, jangan pernah! Selalu bayar kejahatan dengan kebaikan.

Barukh Hashem Yahweh.. HaleluYah

Link aslinya :

Mazmur 56:2-13 (TB) (56-3) Seteru-seteruku menginjak-injak aku sepanjang hari, bahkan banyak orang yang memerangi aku dengan sombong.
(56-4) Waktu aku takut, aku ini percaya kepada-Mu;
(56-5) kepada Allah, yang firman-Nya kupuji, kepada Allah aku percaya, aku tidak takut. Apakah yang dapat dilakukan manusia terhadap aku?
(56-6) Sepanjang hari mereka mengacaukan perkaraku; mereka senantiasa bermaksud jahat terhadap aku.
(56-7) Mereka mau menyerbu, mereka mengintip, mengamat-amati langkahku, seperti orang-orang yang ingin mencabut nyawaku.
(56-8) Apakah mereka dapat luput dengan kejahatan mereka? Runtuhkanlah bangsa-bangsa dengan murka-Mu, ya Allah!
(56-9) Sengsaraku Engkaulah yang menghitung-hitung, air mataku Kautaruh ke dalam kirbat-Mu. Bukankah semuanya telah Kaudaftarkan?
(56-10) Maka musuhku akan mundur pada waktu aku berseru; aku yakin, bahwa Allah memihak kepadaku.
(56-11) Kepada Allah, firman-Nya kupuji, kepada TUHAN, firman-Nya kupuji,
(56-12) kepada Allah aku percaya, aku tidak takut. Apakah yang dapat dilakukan manusia terhadap aku?
(56-13) Nazarku kepada-Mu, ya Allah, akan kulaksanakan, dan korban syukur akan kubayar kepada-Mu.
(56-14) Sebab Engkau telah meluputkan aku dari pada maut, bahkan menjaga kakiku, sehingga tidak tersandung; maka aku boleh berjalan di hadapan Allah dalam cahaya kehidupan. 🇮🇱

Mazmur 54:5-7 (TB) (54-7) Biarlah kejahatan itu berbalik kepada seteru-seteruku; binasakanlah mereka karena kesetiaan-Mu!
(54-8) Dengan rela hati aku akan mempersembahkan korban kepada-Mu, bersyukur sebab nama-Mu baik, ya TUHAN.
(54-9) Sebab Ia melepaskan aku dari segala kesesakan, dan mataku memandangi musuhku.



Bin Salman: Lepaskanlah Yerusalem Untuk Israel!


Berita Dunia – Mohammad bin Salman, Putra Mahkota Saudi meminta pemimpin Otoritas Palestina melepaskan Yerussalem untuk diserahkan kepada rezim penindas Israel.

Banyak berita yang melaporkan bahwa Donald Trump, Presiden AS, ingin meresmikan Yerusalem sebagai ibu kota rezim Zionis. Dan saat ini, New York Times melaporkan pernyataan Mohammad bin Salman yang meminta Otoritas Palestina untuk melepas Yerusalem.

Mahmoud Abbas, pemimpin Otoritas Palestina, mengadakan kunjungan ke Arab Saudi sekitar sebulan yang lalu. Dalam kunjungan ini, Mohammad bin Salman menyatakan kepada Abbas bahwa negara merdeka Palestina bisa berdiri, dengan syarat menutup mata atas sebagian daerah Tepi Barat. Dan kota-kota kecil Israel, yang menurut semua pihak adalah perkotaan tak resmi, tetap berdiri di sana. Sehingga Palestina tidak bisa lagi melihat Yerusalem timur sebagai ibu kotanya dan imigran Yerusalem juga tidak berhak untuk kembali ke sana.

New York Times memberitakan hal ini dengan menukil pernyataan-pernyataan diplomat Palestina dan Eropa. Dan Gedung Putih dalam menjawab pertanyaan New York Timestentang pernyataan Mohammad bin Salman ini, hanya menjawab bahwa hal tersebut di luar strategi Washington.

Tuntutan Mohammad bin Salman kepada Otoritas Palestina ini berhubungan erat dan sama dengan tujuan Tel Aviv. Bahkan bisa dikatakan bahwa tuntutan ini adalah tuntutan Israel melalui lidah Putra Mahkota Saudi.

Pemerintahan Saudi saat ini terus berusaha untuk menormalisasi hubungannya dengan Israel. Dalam hal ini, kabinet Netanyahu juga mengakui hubungan rahasia Saudi-Israel ini.

SOURCE:Bin Salman: Lepaskanlah Yerusalem Untuk Israel!


US congratulates Iraq on end of war against Islamic State


b2961e5b-1bb7-4295-8376-793c12af06dc-large16x9_AP17343482211077FILE – In this Monday, July 10, 2017 file photo, Iraqis celebrate while holding a giant national flag after Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared victory against the Islamic State group in Mosul, Iraq. Iraq said Saturday, Dec. 9, 2017 that its war on the Islamic State is over after more than three years of combat operations drove the extremists from all of the territory they once held. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced Iraqi forces were in full control of the country’s border with Syria. (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban, File)

After more than three years of combat operations, Iraq announced Saturday that the fight against the Islamic State group is over after the country’s security forces drove the extremists from all of the territory they once held. Iraqi and American officials warned, however, that key challenges remain despite the military victory.

Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi formally announced the victory in an address to the nation aired on Iraqi state television Saturday evening.

“Honorable Iraqis, your land has been completely liberated,” he said. “The liberation dream has become a reality. We achieved victory in difficult circumstances and with God’s help, the steadfastness of our people and the bravery of our heroic forces we prevailed.”

“The flag of Iraq is flying high today over all Iraqi territory and at the farthest point on the border,” he added, standing before the most senior members of Iraq’s security forces.

Following al-Abadi’s remarks, his office declared a public holiday Sunday in celebration of the victory, according to an official statement from the prime minister’s office.

Iraqi forces mopped up the last pockets of IS fighters from Iraq’s western deserts Saturday, securing the country’s border with Syria, a step that marked the end of combat operations against the extremists.

“All Iraqi lands are liberated from terrorist Daesh gangs and our forces completely control the international Iraqi-Syrian border,” said Lt. Gen. Abdul-Amir Rasheed Yar Allah, a senior Iraqi military commander, in a statement Saturday afternoon.

The U.S. applauded the prime minister’s announcement.

The U.S. offers “sincere congratulations to the Iraqi people and to the brave Iraqi Security Forces, many of whom lost their lives heroically fighting ISIS,” State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said in a written statement, using an alternative acronym for IS.

“Our coalition will continue to stand with Iraq to support its security forces, economy and stabilization to help ensure that ISIS can never against threaten Iraq’s people or use its territory as a haven,” said Brett McGurk, U.S. special presidential envoy to the anti-IS coalition, in a statement posted to his official Twitter account.

“We mark today’s historic victory mindful of the work that remains,” he added.

Iraq’s government remains faced with significant security threats, an economic crisis and the enormous task of rebuilding swaths of territory decimated by the IS fight.

IS fighters overran nearly a third of Iraqi territory, including Mosul, the country’s second largest city and Tikrit, the capital of Iraq’s central Salahuddin province in the summer of 2014. The following year, IS fighters also overran Anbar’s provincial capital of Ramadi.

Over the past 3 ½ half years, Iraqi ground forces closely backed by the U.S.-led coalition and mostly Shiite paramilitary forces backed by Iran have slowly retaken all of that territory.

The pace of the anti-IS operation accelerated last year as coalition-backed Iraqi ground forces prepared for the assault on Mosul that was formally launched in October 2016.

After more than nine months of mostly grueling urban combat, Al-Abadi declared victory over IS in Mosul in July.

In the months that followed Iraqi forces retook a handful of other IS held towns including Tal Afar in August, Hawija in September and Qaim in October. In November, Iraqi forces retook the last Iraqi town held by IS — Rawah, near the border with Syria.

However, IS fighters remain capable of carrying out insurgent attacks in Iraq, and the group has recovered from past setbacks.

IS insurgent networks continue to pose a threat to Baghdad and other Iraqi cities, a senior Iraqi security official said, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with regulations. The official said intelligence gathering would become increasingly important in the post-military phase of the fight against IS.

“The triumph of military operations alone is not enough without stability,” government spokesman Saad al-Hadithi said, explaining that rebuilding in the wake of military victories against IS remained a “big challenge” for the Iraqi government.

Additionally, some 3 million Iraqis remain displaced by the fight against IS, according to the United Nations.

Al-Abadi also remains faced with a political and military stand-off with the country’s Kurdish region over a referendum held on independence.

Federal government troops remain deployed throughout a string of disputed territories claimed by both Baghdad and Iraq’s Kurds — who were also backed by U.S.-led coalition forces in the fight against IS. While Baghdad and Irbil have both stated a willingness to talk, negotiations to end the dispute have not yet begun.

Source:US congratulates Iraq on end of war against Islamic State

Prihatin Sama Nasib Umat Kristen, Presiden Putin Janjikan Ikut Bangun Gereja di Suriah

Dalam pertemuannya bersama pemimpin Gereja Ortodoks Rusia pada171206094421-300x300 Senin, 4 Desember, Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin menyampaikan janjinya untuk berkontribusi membangun kembali gereja-gereja Kristen di Suriah. Dia juga berjanji untuk menciptakan perdamaian di daerah-daerah Kristen Suriah yang porak poranda karena perang.

“Selama beberapa tahun terakhir, negara Rusia bersama dengan Gereja Ortodoks Rusia, serta organisasi keagamaan lainnya, telah memberikan bantuan kemanusiaan ke Suriah. Penting sekali untuk mewujudkan perdamaian sesegera mungking, supaya orang-orang (Suriah) bisa kembali pulang ke rumah mereka; membangun kembali kuil dan gereja,” ucap Putin, seperti dilansir, Selasa (5/12).

Dalam pertemuan tersebut, Putin juga menekankan kalau konflik di Suriah sudah berakhir dan sebagian besar wilayahnya, termasuk daerah-daerah Kristen sudah bebas (dari perang).

“Pasukan bersenjata Suriah, yang didukung oleh militer Rusia, sudah bebas dari teroris di hampir semua wilayah negaranya, termasuk wilayah Kristen yang bersejarah,” lanjutnya.

Selain dukungannya terhadap orang Kristen, Putin juga menekankan pentingnya pembangunan kembali komunitas Yahudi dan Muslim di Suriah. “Kami juga akan membantu anggota agama lain, termasuk Muslim, yang seperti kita ketahui, juga mengalami penderitaan di tangan para teroris dan kelompok radikal. Kami juga akan membantu orang-orang Yahudi, sejumlah organisasi sudah menghubungi kami untuk mendapatkan bantuan untuk merestorasi tempat-tempat suci kaum Yahudi,” ucapnya.

Sementara kelompok teroris ISIS dan kelompok-kelompok Islam radikal di sana berhasil dikalahkan oleh pasukan militer. Mereka juga sudah dipukul mundur dari wilayah yang sebelumnya dikuasainya. Meski kondisi sudah cukup aman, tapi penduduk Suriah diyakin masih belum siap untuk pulang.

“ISIS dan penganiayaan atas nama agama sudah dinetralisir. Tapi sangat tidak mungkin bagi pengungsi Kristen untuk kembali ke daerah itu. Faktanya adalah bahwa negara tersebut tetap belum stabil dan belum ada institusi yang bersedia membangu pembangunan kembali daerah-daerah itu. Jadi sangat tak mungkin untuk menyaksikan para pengungsi itu kembali, karena mereka akan memilih menetap di tempat mereka sekarang,” ucap Benjamin Radd, seorang pakar Timur Tengah dari Universitas California.

Sebagaimana diketahui, populasi Kristen Suriah adalah salah satu populasi Kristen tertua di dunia. Beberapa diantaranya masih sangat fasih berbicara bahasa Aram, bahasa yang digunakan oleh Yesus. Tapi sejak munculnya konflik pada tahun 2011 silam, populasi Kristen menyusut dari 30 persen menjadi sekitar 10 persen dari populasi. Ada banyak orang Kristen yang diusir dari tempat kelahiran mereka atau mereka juga dipaksa melepaskan keyakinannya. Sama Nasib Umat Kristen, Presiden Putin Janjikan Ikut Bangun Gereja di Suriah


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