Surat Paulus kepada Jemaat di Galatia



Surat Paulus kepada Jemaat di Galatia
Anak-anakku tercinta!

Saya sekarang ini menderita lagi karena kalian.Saya menderita seperti seorang ibu menderita pada waktu melahirkan anak.Saya akan terus menderita,kalau sifat-sifat Kristus belum tertanam pada dirimu!Saya rindu sekali berada di tengah-tengah kalian…(Galatia 4:19-20)&(Galatia 2:17-19)

Kami berusaha berbaik kembali dengan Allah melalui hidup bersatu dengan Kristus.Tetapi kalau sesudah melakukan yang demikian,ternyata kami masih “orang-orang berdosa”juga seperti orang-orang bukan Yahudi,apakah ini berarti bahwa Kristuslah yang menyebabkan kami berdosa?Tentu saja tidak!Kalau saya mulai mendirikan kembali pola hukum agama yang telah saya runtuhkan,maka saya menunjukkan bahwa saya sudah menjadi pelanggar hukum.

Tetapi saya sudah mati terhadap hukum agama-dimatikan oleh hukum itu sendiri-supaya saya dapat hidup untuk Allah.Saya sudah disalibkan bersama Kristus.Sekarang bukan lagi saya yang hidup,tetapi Kristus yang hidup dalam diri saya.Hidup ini yang saya hayati sekarang adalah hidup oleh iman kepada Anak Allah yang mengasihi saya dan yang telah mengurbankan diri-Nya untuk saya.Saya tidak meremehkan rahmat Allah.Kalau hubungan orang dengan Allah menjadi baik kembali karena menjalankan hukuman hukum agama,itu berarti kematian Kristus tidak ada gunanya!

Renungan Pagi.
Tuhan nyatakan padaku makna pengorbananMu dan ajarlah aku untuk menghargai KASIHMU yang sejati.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity. I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”Jeremiah 29:11-1

“Janganlah kamu menghakimi , maka kamupun tidak akan dihakimi. Dan janganlah kamu menghukum, maka kamupun tidak akan dihukum; ampunilah dan kamu akan diampuni.~ TB (1974) ©SABDAweb Luk 6:37

7 Ways to Overcome Stress


1. Admit you’re stressed. Is your life so packed with things to do that you can’t seem to get anything done? Do you have a gnawing pain in your stomach that won’t go away? Do you often forget things you’re supposed to do? Are you tired, short-tempered, discouraged? If you answered yes to most of these questions, you’re stressed. So admit it, then …

2. Make a list. Write down everything you’re involved in, from debate team to math club to youth group to your part-time job. Estimate how much time each week you spend in these activities, as well as how many hours you pour into homework, helping around the house, building friendships, and anything else that requires a significant chunk of your time.

3. Take your list to someone you trust. This person could be your Bible study leader, youth pastor, adult mentor, a mature Christian friend, or one of your parents. Have this person go over the list with you. Talk about why each item is important to you. Discuss your priorities—those things that are (or should be) most important to you.

4. Prioritize your list. Order your list from most important to least important. Determine what you need to cut out of your life, then cross those things off the list. Circle the things you want to keep no matter what. Evaluate the “in-between” items and resolve not to feel guilty if you don’t do all of them.

5. Practice saying no. You simply can’t say yes to everything. You’ve got to learn to say no, too. If you want to cut down on stress, you need to keep yourself from being over-committed.

6. Think about your use of time. You could be stressed because you simply don’t know how to manage your time well. If you tend to procrastinate or are poorly organized, you need help using your time wisely. Ask your guidance counselor or an organized friend for tips on how to use your time better.

There are also many calendars and day-timers that can help you. Drop by your local bookstore and check out the planners and organizers specifically for students. But remember: A time-management tool is only as good as your commitment to use it. So if you purchase some kind of organizer, use it.

8. Keep God first. Isaiah 40:29-31 says, “[God] gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Place your trust and hope in God and make your relationship with him your top priority. As you do, you’ll discover you really do have time for what’s most important in life.

Source:7 Ways to Overcome Stress